Multizentrische, kontrollierte Pharmakotherapie-Studien in der
Indikation Parkinson Syndrome der German Parkinson Study Group
GPS Studienliste: Stand 12/2024
Indikation | Studientitel | Neuro protektion /Symptom. |
Prüfsubstanz | EudraCT | Primäres Zielkriterium | Status | Zentren Liste | Phase | |
1 | Parkinson- Krankheit |
A Clinical Study Evaluating Efficacy of Pirepemat on Falls Frequency in Patients With Parkinson's Disease (PD) |
Symptom. | Pirepemat IRLAB IRL752C003 |
NCT 05258071 |
To evaluate the effects of pirepemat on change in falls frequency from baseline period to the end of treatment as assessed by fall diary in PD patients |
Running | Univ. Klinik Göttingen Univ. Klinik Marburg Univ. Klinik Münster Univ. Klinik Leipzig Univ. Klinik Berlin Charité Univ. Klinik Hamburg Klinik Mühldorf RKU Ulm (Rehab. klinikum) Schwerin klinische Forschung Gera - Praxis Oehlwein |
Phase 2 |
2 | Parkinson- Krankheit |
A Study to investigate efficacay and safety of buntanetap compared with placeo in participatns with early Parkinson's disease | Neuro- protektion |
Buntanetab Posiphen | NCT 053557989 |
To evaluate efficacy and safety of buntanetap compared to placebo on slowing desease progression measured by MDS-UPDRS over 6 months in PD patients | Running | Berlin Praxis Ehret Berlin Alexianer KH St. Joseph Weissensee Klinik Haag in OB Neurol. Fach KH Beelitz Paracelsus-Elena-Klinik Kassel Univ. Klinik Münster Univ. Klinik Dresden |
Phase 3 |
3 | Parkinson- Krankheit |
A Study to Assess the Safety of BIIB122 Tablets and if it Can Slow the Worsening of Early-Stage Parkinson's Disease in Participants Between the Ages of 30 and 80 |
Neuro protektion |
2021- 004849-20 |
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of BIIB122 225 mg on desease progression by the time to confirmed worsening in MDS-UPDRS Parts II and III combined score over the treatment period (minimum 48 weeks, maximum 144 weeks) in PD patients |
Recruiting | Paracelsus-Elena-Klinik Kassel Univ. Klinik Marburg Univ. Klinik Ulm Univ. Klinik Dresden Kath. Klinikum Bochum Univ. Klinik Lübeck LMU Klinikum München TU Klinikum München Univ. Klinik Tübingen Univ. Klinik Düsseldorf Univ. Klinik Würzburg Kath. Klinikum Bochum Univ. Klinik Hannover |
Phase 2 |
4 | Parkinson- Krankheit |
An extension study to evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of UCB0599 in study participants with Parkinson’s disease |
Neuro- protektion |
UCB PD 0055 | 2022- 003265-19 |
To estimate the longterm efficacy of minzasolmin (UCB0599) in participants diagnosed with early-stage PD on slowing disease progression | Running | Berlin Charité Benj. Franklin Bonn Deutsches Zentr. F. Neurodeg. Erkrankungen Univ. Klinik Dresden Erbach Reifschneider Univ. Klinik Erlangen Katholische Kliniken Essen Klinik Haag in OB Univ. Klinik Hannover Univ. Klinik Kiel Univ. Klinik Mainz Univ. Klinik Marburg Univ. Klinik Regensburg |
Phase 2 |
5 | Parkinson- Krankheit |
Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacokinetics of BIA 28-6156 in GBA-PD (ACTIVATE) |
Neuro- protektion |
BIA 28-6156 | NCT 05819359 |
The purpose of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study is to assess the efficacy of BIA 28-6156 over placebo in delaying clinical meaningful motor progression over 78 weeks in subjects with Parkinson's disease who have a pathogenic variant in the glucocerebrosidase 1 (GBA1) gene (GBA-PD). | Running | Neurol. Fach KH Beelitz Gertrudis Klinik Biskirchen Paracelsus-Elena-Klinik Kassel Univ. Klinikum Marburg LMU Klinikum München Parkinson-Klinik Ortenau |
Phase 2 |
6 | Parkinson- Krankheit |
Safety, Tolerability and Symptomatic Efficacy of the ROCKInhibitor Fasudil in Patients with Parkinson's Disease (ROCK-PD) |
Neuro- protektion |
Fasudil | 2021- 003879-34 |
To establish the combined safety and/or tolerability profile of oral Fasudil solution over 22 days in PD patients | Recruiting | Univ. Klinik Dresden Univ. Klinik Tübingen Univ. Klinik Münster Univ. Klinik Ulm Univ. Klinik München Univ. Klinik Würzburg Univ. Klinik Bochum Univ. Klinik Leipzig Univ. Klinik Marburg Univ. Klinik Kiel Univ. Klinik Düsseldorf Univ. KlinikGöttingen Univ. Klinik Freiburg |
Phase 2 |
7 | MSA | A Study of TAK-341 in Treatment of Multiple System Atrophy |
Neuro- protektion |
TAK-341 | 2022- 000336-28 |
To evaluate the efficacy of TAK-341 versus placebo, as measured by the change from baseline to Week 52 on UMSARS Part I in participants with MSA | Running | Paracelsus Elena Klinik Kassel Univ. Klinik Leipzig Univ. Klinik Hannover Univ. Klinik Münster St. Josef Hosp. Bochum Uni. Klinik Dresden Bonn Deutsches Zentr. F. Neurodeg. Erkrankungen Univ. Klinik Charité Berlin Univ. Klinik Marburg Univ. Klink München, Univ. Klinik Ulm; Univ. Klinik Tübingen |
Phase 2 |
8 | MSA | Study to Evaluate the Safety , Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of ION464 Administered to Adults With Multiple System Atrophy (HORIZON) |
Neuro- protektion |
NCT 2029- 001105-24 |
The primary objective of the MAD part of the study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of multiple doses of BIIB101/ION464 administered via IT bolus injection to participants with MSA. | Recruiting | Univ. Klinik Düsseldorf Univ. Klinik Hannover Univ. Klinik Ulm Univ. Klinik Marburg |
Phase 1 |
9 | PSP | Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of Multiple Ascending Doses of NIO752 in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy |
Neuro protektion |
NIO752 | NCT 04539041 |
This is a phase 1, multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multiple dose escalation study with NIO752 in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) participants. | Running | Univ. Klinik Düsseldorf Univ. Klinik Hannover LMU Klinikum München Univ. Klinik Tübingen Univ. Klinik Ulm |
Phase 1 |
10 | PSP | A Study to Test the Safety and Tolerability of Long-term UCB0107 Administration in Study Participants With Progressive Supranuclear Palsy |
Neuro protektion |
UCB0107 (Bepranemab) |
NCT 04658199 |
The purpose of the study is to assess the long-term safety and tolerability of UCB0107 in study participants with PSP. | Running | Univ. Klinik Bochum Univ. Klinikum Düsseldorf Univ. Klinik Essen Univ. Klinik Hannover |
Phase 1 |
11 | PSP | AMX0035 and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (ORION) |
Neuro protektion |
AMX0035 | NCT 06122662 |
A35-009 (ORION) is a Phase 2b/3 trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of AMX0035 in participants with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), consisting of randomized, double blind placebo controlled phases, followed by an optional open-label extension phase. |
Recruiting | Univ. Klinik Ulm, Krankenhaus Agatharied LMU Klinikum München, Paracelsus-Elena-Klinik Kassel |
Phase 2/3 |
12 | PSP | A Study to Assess the Efficacy, Safety, and Pharmacokinetics of FNP-223 to Slow Progression of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy |
Neuro protektion |
FNP-223 | NCT 06355531 |
PROSPER trial is a trial to assess the efficacy of FNP-223 in slowing disease progression in participants with PSP as measured by the PSP Rating Scale (PSPRS) over 52 weeks and to assess the safety and tolerability of FNP-223 for 52 weeks in participants with PSP. |
Recruiting | LMU Klinikum München, weitere Zentren im Verlauf | Phase 2 |